Sponsorships For the NFL Draft

The NFL Draft has become a prime time event broken into three separate days shown on ESPN. Like any prime time event comes the opportunity for a company to affiliate their name with it. This year the NFL Draft is brought to you by COORS Light and Gillette, which means not only will you see those name beside the draft on any web page, but you will see an abundance of pub and plug ins throughout the event. With every team getting 10 min to make a pick, there are prime commercial opportunities available. One purchaser that comes to mind, EA Sports Madden Football Series, has been a part of the commercial scene since the early 2000s, with them plugging the upcoming video game that will be released the following fall. It is always the first opportunity for consumers to see images and clips of the upcoming game. With this year being the first year the draft moved to a prime time spot, it will be hard to predict who will be the companies that will be purchasing all commercial time, but the three listed will not be the only ones shouldering the load.

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