My Sports Autobiography

I have been involved in athletics ever since I can remember, which extends back to 1st through 3rd grade tee ball and biddy wrestling, in which were the only sports my school offered until 3rd grade. After 3rd grade is when I found my real love in sports, football. From then on I participated and excelled in other sports such as basketball, baseball, and track, but it was mostly just a way to be competitive and pass the time outside of football season. Upon leaving high school I choose to accept a scholarship here to Tiffin University, and it has been an odd career to say the least, I have lettered 4 times at three different positions, received a medical red shirt for a sophomore season I missed with mono 3 weeks before graduation. I would have never thought that a game would alter my life so much, I say this because there is a very little chance I would be here at Tiffin University if it wasn’t for football. After it is all said and done though, I’m glad that football brought me here and made me who I am. But now with my competitive athletic days fading away, which a year ago I thought was done anyways, I already knew that it was going to be a tough transition to the other half of my life, and I doubt I will ever be able to keep athletics out of my life and that is why I choose to return to school for my final year of football and receive my sports management degree.

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