Tebow Worth The Hype?

Its hard not hear the name mentioned in any draft discussion, but why does the 5th rated quarterback rated by Scouts Inc. get all the attention. Even with every discussion asking the same questions about whether or not his game can translate to the pro style of play. Tebow has not been able to showcase whether or not his game can translate, outside the horrible week he displayed at the senior bowl. Every clip showed Tebow fumbling snaps under center, over throwing receivers, lackluster steps in his drops, and his elongated release still had not been corrected. However, Tebow did not give up and showed some progress throughout the week, improving daily only to perform under par in the actual game.
Tebow will out perform everyone in the upcoming pro days and the NFL combine due to his freakish physical attributes. When looking at all the professional quarterback its hard to really take into account their 40 yd. dash times, considering looking at Payton Manning and Tom Brady did not post times on the better side of 5. So in my opinion being a quarterback should not be looked at as how they do in their combines but rather how they performed on the real game situations. Tebow has really only had one chance to prove himself in the pro style of play and he did the opposite.
I will be one person not to jump on the Tebow as a quarterback bandwagon, because of as of right now there are just simply too many issues with his footwork, elongated release and spotty accuracy. He will have to tear down and overhaul every part of his game just to have a chance, and I don't see it working out. However, I will note that if anyone could do a total overhaul of his game, it would be Tebow with his work ethic and desire. But the question with Tim Tebow was never his leadership, determination, competitiveness and other intangibles teams will look for in a quarterback. There is a reason Tebow has been slipping in the draft, and only time will tell how far he falls.

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